Call For Artists, Performers and Vendors: Multicultural Festival
The Town of Lake Park
The Town of Lake Park is looking for performers and art, craft, food and beverage vendors to participate in the Multicultural Festival on Saturday, September 21, from 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM in Kelsey Park.
Performers include any individuals, duo or group that would like to perform a culture-specific song, poem, dance, spoken word or dramatic interpretation.
Art vendors and craft vendors include any person who sell original, hand-made or embellished culture-specific items including, but not limited to, ceramics, graphics, drawings, paintings, jewelry, handbags, clothing, accessories, photographs and sculptures.
Food vendors and beverage vendors include any persons who sell culture-specific food and beverage items including, but not limited to, appetizers, side dishes, soups, salads, main dishes, snacks, desserts, non-alcoholic beverages, liquor, beer and/or wine.
Performers and vendors must submit the appropriate participant application by September 1, 2024. Performance time slots and vendor spots are limited and will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. A stage and sound equipment will be provided for all performances. Vendors will be responsible for providing their own tents, tables, chairs, signs and other materials needed. Power/electricity will not be provided. All Vendors must provide the necessary permits, licenses and certificates of insurance, as outlined on the vendor application.
For more information and to obtain a performer and/or vendor application, please contact the Special Events Department at 561-840-0160 or email
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